Friday, January 30, 2009
So much to do, so little time
Day 24 of 365
- Book club. The girls in book club are wonderful women, the food is amazing, the conversations (book and non-book related) are energizing.
- Feeling better!! I have the energy to do stuff. And make A LIST OF TO DO STUFF! That I will cross items off of... I love that!
- My Mexx grey & blue pinstripe blazer. It's such a great fit and I get compliments every time I wear it.
- Ending the day before curled up in bed, reading a fluff book, after a perfectly warm bath, with 2 puppies snuggled against your legs.
- That NGB will finally get to sleep in the same bed this weekend.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Day 23 of 365
- Free desserts in the office
- That I only had one free dessert instead of the 20 gazillion I want to eat
- Pay day!! (damn, I was broke)
- That NGB is going to the grocery store today to get the ingredients I need for bookclub instead of both of us going last night like we were supposed to but couldn't because I had an "upset tummy" and wanted to be home.
- My office window that I can stare out of when I am too sleepy to think
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The one bad thing about GiST
Day 22 of 365
- The perfect pen to write with
- Finding a new blog (or two) that may just become favorites
- Taking deeeeep breaths without coughing
- A mom that is my friend too
- That I am here, today, and I can dream
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Day 21 of 365
- Levaquin. This is round 2 of antibiotics and they better win!
- That a dear friend has moved into the same office building as me, so I should be able to see her more often.
- Having an old friend got in touch again. A friendship I though was over may have sprung to life again
- A hot bubblebath after making it through a Monday
- That NGB is tackling his taxes! He's only 5 or 6 years behind...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Day 20 of 265
- A coworker that makes homemade bread at work early on a Monday morning.
- Another coworker that makes cappuccinos on a Monday morning (I have amazing coworkers)
- The gorgeous laptop bag NGB bought me for Christmas that can now act as my purse, since my existing purse decided to fall apart.
- Comfortable underwear. Not something to be taken for granted!
- That despite my little cold and subsequent whining I still have my health. Please take the time to think of those that may not
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Day 19 of 365
- That NGB is so sweet and supportive of me when I am whiny and sick
- A great book to read before bed
- That I will have the great book read in time for bookclub this week
- Walter's rash has finally cleared up. It only took about 6 months but he's back to normal
- A comfy computer chair that I can spend all day sitting in
Day 18 of 365
- The achievement system in WoW which is a fabulous something to waste time on :)
- Mom's homemade chicken soup
- Sherman happily snorting away as he rubs his back on the carpet
- Hot water, honey and lemon
- Watching a puppy sleep on the vent, the perfect place for him to stay warm
Friday, January 23, 2009
Day 17 of 365
- NyQuill. Wow... that stuff works
- Bentasil cough lozenges. They work too
- Neo Citron. Yup, because it works
- Riccola. Same reason as above
- Two puppies curled up against you as you sleep the afternoon away. That works, but in a different way.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Day 16 of 365
- That NGB supports (although he doesn't agree with) my desire to have a synthetic diamond. Another weird... I do not want a real diamond ring. It bothers me that the earth was plundered for a shiny stone to wear on my finger. And the risk of it being a blood diamond just doubles my ick factor. Do I still wear gold and other metals? Yes. For some reason that bothers me less than diamonds. I am weird. I know.
- That I get to be part of the journey of a new friend and coworker as she grows life inside her. She is pregnant!
- Soft kleenex on my achy nose
- Winning the lotto. It was only $2 but I still won something.
- Free muffins from someone else's meeting that fulfills my desire to stuff my face. Feed a cold AND a fever I say.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Despite the fact I am not yet engaged I have started planning the wedding
Day 15 of 365
- Planning for a wedding with my best friend
- My best friend freaking only a LITTLE when I ask him ideas about venue and dress, but trying soooooo hard to look like he is completely calm and collected with it all
- That so many women across North America are looking at Michelle Obama as a role model, as someone they want to emulate. Could that have happened even 30 years ago?
- Getting a combination lock, one of the final hurdles preventing me from going to the gym. Get rid of this nagging phlegmy cough and I am SO WORKING OUT!
- Not gaining weight. I am not LOSING more yet, but I am not packing back on the 5 pounds I lost.
Day 14 of 365
- Being alive to see a historic moment... even though you couldn't stream the inauguration at work
- My tinted moisturizer. Physicians Formula, organic. I love it!!
- A wonderful dinner out and round of errands with NGB. Something as simple as going to Costco for meat is always fun with him
- Kind coworkers, who make coming to work easy
- NGB's active sleeping, which makes for great stories in the morning!
Monday, January 19, 2009
(lucky) Day 13 of 365
- Tim Horton's coffee and donuts at the staff meeting
- Staying awake in the staff meeting on a Monday morning (thank you, again, sweet coffee)
- Random emails from NGB telling me he loves me
- My mom for coming back to my place to drop off my only set of keys that I accidently left in the pocket of the coat I was wearing but gave back to her. I would have completely PANICKED in the morning.
- A poop free yard and warm weather to collect the puppy gifts
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Day 12 of 365
- A wonderful night of eating and drinking with dear friends. And rockband 2!
- Photographic evidence of the fun night with friends
- Getting some stuff done around the house and outside too
- Crawling into bed with fresh and clean sheets
- A perfect afternoon nap with NGB
Day 11 of 365
- My new mugs, made out of the same glass as beakers in a lab
- Walter's new ointment, that is helping his rash a LOT
- OPI Nail Envy
- 10 man Malygos is done! Champion of the Frozen Wastes!
- A wonderful day of errands with NGB on a gorgeous Spring day... even though it's still winter.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Day 10 out of 365
- TGIF. The weekend is here!!! (almost)
- That my cute purple shoes and eggplant "it was on for such a cheap price!" turtleneck are a perfect, yet unintentional, match.
- Getting to watch Sherman do his nightly wiggle, laid out on his back, writhing side to side in puppy back-scratch joy.
- A good hair day
- Forecasted high of +11C tomorrow. In Alberta. In January!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Day 9 of 365
- Listenting to someone sing who is doing it only for the love of the music
- A really good deal on my favorite staple turtleneck (only $9.99!). I got one in red and one in eggplant. To go with the cream, black, blue and green ones I already have...
- Waking up on time for the SECOND day in a row. Although I was still late for work...
- Someone left a comment on my blog!!!!!!!
- Sunshine pouring through my office window.
I outted myself. And random stuff.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Day 8 of 365
- My brand new adorable purple shoes that were really cheap and are comfortable too!
- When you are making a pitcher of some powdered drink, and they powder wafts into the air and to the back of your throat as you take a deep breath in, so that you can then taste the drink before the water comes.
- Waking up on time for the first time in about a week. Normal morning schedule ftw
- Fuze. Since I can't remember to take a multi-vitamin at least I can drink one.
- Finding a toilet in the women's bathroom that isn't peed on for once. Seriously people... how hard is it to get it into the bowl!
To comment or not to comment...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Day 7 of 365
- Paid sick days.
- Penicillin.
- Tinted moisturizer (that may actually be really good! And "organic" too)
- Frozen veggies, for when the fridge is bare.
- Orange juice on a sore throat.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Day 6 of 365
- Warm tea on a sore throat
- No line at the Tim Horton's this morning. Immediate coffee fix!
- Clearing Naxx last night
- Making plans to spend the rest of my life with my best friend
- A coworker to confinde in (and bitch to) about work frustrations
Is there a doctor in the house?
I have been sick for weeks. It started as a head cold (sinuses) to the point I had to shove kleenex up my nose to staunch the flow. Then it went to the back of my throat which felt sore and scratchy. Then my ears became itchy and it was hard to hear properly. THEN it fell into my chest where it sits now. Making my cough until it sounds like I am horking up a lung. All through this I have refused to go to the doctor. Until today, I caved in to the pressure from everyone around me. I made an appointment (for this afternoon) and will go.
I have no clue why I am so reluctant to make an appointment. I like my doctor, he's an awesome man. I have been seeing him since I stopped seeing a pediatrician. But I am scared that he's going to judge me to be a hypochondriac, that I am not REALLY sick but just pretending. Maybe it comes from those nights in grade school where I would hope and almost convince myself I was seriously ill to avoid a test or assignment or presentation the next day in school. Maybe because I have never really BEEN seriously ill before.
Or maybe it's because I don't want to take antibiotics or something like that unless I have to. I prefer to let my body heal itself, partly because I never remember to take my pills when I am supposed to. Realistically, what will the doctor say? You have a cold. It's in your lungs. Do you want antibiotics? No? Then... get well soon!
It was great during grad school because the other student with me was a doctor, trained in
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Day 5 of 365
- Waking up when your body wants to, not when the alarm tells you to
- Talking and laughing with NGB as we lay in bed, just before falling asleep
- Still liking your new haircut the next morning
- Buckley's cough syrup. It tastes bad, but it works
- Cold pizza for breakfast
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 4 of 365
- Stripey toe socks. I am now officially a geek with these bad boys.
- Boston Terrier t-shirts... ON SALE. And it's a BOSTON BURGER!!
- A good haircut
- Coming home from a good haircut and finding that your amazing boyfriend cleaned the house while you were away
- The feeling of NGB's arms around my waist as I wash dishes at the sink
Friday, January 9, 2009
Day 3 of 265
- Sleeping in. Even if it was an accident and you had the overwhelming panic of being late, and then you have to rush like mad and made it in to work an hour after you were supposed to... Extra sleep rocks
- Downing a new boss in Naxx
- The morning online jigsaw puzzle
- Knowing that the temperature outside is going from -22C to -3C today
- Despite the weight gain over the holidays, your old jeans (which you were certain would be way too small) still fit!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When you stop to talk to the crazies...
Day 2 of 365
- The "glug" sound when you pour the first glass of wine from the bottle
- Taking the time to talk to the crazy people on public transportation
- The first sip of the perfect coffee on a cold morning
- Plans for drinks with a dear girlfriend you never can see as much as you want to
- Sleepy puppy kisses
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Imitation is the sincerest form...
- The love of 2 amazing parents
- NGB rolling over to hold me in his sleep
- A glass of red wine at the end of a long day
- Garlic
- The happy wiggle dance that Walter does when I come home